Our Last Full Day

Last night we not only had another homemade meal from Karin’s kitchen, but also had mounds of leftovers from the week. So, we had a big potluck. We are all very thankful for Karin’s cooking and meal preparation for the week. Everything has been delicious!
Last night, it was very comfortable outside, so a bunch of us pulled some
chairs outside and just hung out and relaxed. Joel had MLB Live on his iPad, Karin made popcorn for us all, Buck was catching up on work emails, and we all exchanged our favorite smartphone apps.
Today is Thursday, which means I have to sleep in this awful bed one more time. I’m apparently the worst snorer in the group; they let me know it the first few mornings. Everybody else wears earplugs. I don’t wear earplugs, and there is at least one or two other snorers in the room. But whatever. I guess I better start getting some weight off to help with that – but not tonight. Tonight we go out to celebrate our trip with a nice BBQ dinner. I’m looking forward to that!

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