I got to spend a lot of time with my girls today, while Marie and Julie tended the Herbalife table at the convention. At the timeshare I’m staying at, there was plenty going on. Including a live band, face painting, balloon animals, an apple pie eating contest, and a hot dog eating contest.
I decided to enter the hot dog eating contest, along with about 15 other people. The challenge was to eat 3 hot dogs the fastest. There was one guy there who ate super fast, and when he finished, the I basically stopped. Then we were told “keep going” so they could declare a 2nd and 3rd place finish. I could have taken 2nd place, but since I stopped, I ended up a tie for third. I don’t believe there were any prizes other than bragging rights, so no big deal.
At 7pm, there was a beer tasting event. We got to try 7 different beers. I don’t remember what they were called, but the first one I had was my favorite. I should get the list and see what it was. After the tasting, they had some beer games. We started with a team event of flip cup. (my team lost) Followed by an individual game of flip cup. (I took 4th out of 6). And a team event of baseball (my team won).
We found plenty of time to get in the pool. And we got to see some fireworks from our hotel.
Happy Fourth!