Journal: Focus on one personal goal you wish to accomplish in these three weeks plus one fear you have relating to team training (beyond just surviving the three weeks).
We, recipients, are to write a goal to accomplish a goal during these three weeks, as well as a fear. Actually, I have a few goals and many, many fears! Last night was the “initiation” dinner for team training, and my family and I sat with McLean the whole team. He was out of harness, which made it even harder for my two girls to restrain from interacting with them. They were there again today, and there were no problems.
I had so many mixed emotions about Showbo and McLean, and I still cry when I think of, or talk about, Showbo. I do not compare their personalities, but I continuously call McLean by Showbo’s name and refer to him as a girl. He does not let it bother him, and I think that is because I use a good tone of voice.
A goal of mine could be mentioned as really learning McLean, his body language and his likes/dislikes. This learning process may not end after these three weeks, but I hope our understanding of each other definitely increases, and McLean and I strengthen our relationship.
If I can only talk about one fear for team training, it would be related to the amount of time and dedication devoted to getting a successor dog. No children existed for me back in 2003, when I trained with Showbo, and I have more responsibilities now at home. My fatigue has also become more present within the last 9 years. Today was a long day, and there were a few boring moments. Showbo is retired now, but I still received all new equipment for just McLean. The coolest fact I learned was the ending of using the prong collar on our dogs, as it has become more and more frowned upon by society. So, my biggest fear is getting fatigued daily and being unable to perform to the best of my ability. McLean, please have patience with me!
I must say “good night” and go to bed. Tomorrow is the first real day of WORKING with our dogs, and I need sleep!
Sorry if this entry has scattered thoughts, but they may get worse as the days get longer.