
I had a great night’s rest, finally! Also, we were able to sleep longer this morning than usual.

Today was the big day for us all. CPL trainers evaluated each partnership in a Walmart, and Showbo and I were one of the first to go. I started the evaluation by loading and unloading Showbo in Dave’s car. Oh, Dave took off work to join me today. After the car, Showbo had a chance to do her business before we went into the store, but she was fine. I was the one who needed to do my business, therefore, I delayed the evaluation. I had a strong feeling that would happen. Anyway, then we proceeded to go through Walmart performing different commands, and Showbo did awesome! We did a go pay command at the pretzel shop, and I had Showbo take the pretzel and carry it to a table. This incident was the only time I had to repeat a command to Showbo, which was to take it. I believe she passed the evaluation with flying colors, and we finished everything in 35 minutes. We passed! We passed! We passed! We passed! Yea!

Can you tell that I am excited. Showbo is now mine, well, until the next evaluation, and the next, and the next. Yea! I am so proud of Showbo.

Lizz and Lilly also passed, and both our groups went to lunch together, and Dave and I treated. This is actually Lizz’s second dog, and I pray Lilly does as good as, if not better than, her first dog.

Showbo says hi, and thanks, to everybody who has prayed for her. I also thank you!

Now, to prepare for Sunday. Good night.

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