What a long weekend!
Saturday was the last of team training. It took place in the office building, because the training barn was being prepared for graduation. We were all very close, leaving no room for anybody, or any dog, to move. Showbo visited CPL’s vet for what was hopefully the last time, and things went well. I do need to continue her medication and medicated baths. No problem.
Then, we talked about the health of our dog’s teeth, and after lunch, which was provided, we learned to brush their teeth. I did not like this experience at all, therefore, this is going to be another chore for Dave. I may help him, but I doubt it.
A friend came to our house from Pittsburg for the night, along with my aunt, both of which made for a nice evening.
My aunt and I went to church together, while David did the finishing preparations for me and Showbo’s graduation party. Showbo and I left for the ceremony after church, because Cindy, a kennel worker at CPL, said if we arrived early, then she would do Showbo’s nails. Well, we did arrive early, and Showbo got her pedicure to impress everybody, and all the boy dogs. Anyway, the ceremony was long due to all the graduates and very crowded.
Before the ceremony, Showbo and I had a chance to meet a representative from Showbound Natural Dog Food Company, and I think we made a good impression. They could not have picked a better dog to carry their name! We may even start purchasing our cat things from them as well. Showbo got a free large bag of dog food and a variety of treat samples. What a spoiled poodle!
Following a few pictures, Showbo and I sat through the ceremony, which announced info about the home groups and then recognized all the team training graduates. Darleen said a few words about team, and then it was time for Showbo and I to speak. Actually, I spoke, and Showbo just looked beautiful. In the midst of thanking everyone, I shed some tears, especially when thanking the inmates who raised Showbo from puppihood. They did such a great job!
After the ceremony, we had several more pictures taken. I gave Showbo’s primary inmate’s family time to socialize with Showbo out of harness, and that was a very touching moment. We surprisedly received a scrap book containing everything about Showbo from a puppy until she left the prison. It is very cool!
Then, we hurried back to the house for the party, which was awesome. Dave did a great job with everything, and we had a great turn-out, almost 40 people. I actually did a little demo with Showbo, showing sit and paw, down, retrieval of 3 things, and a take it and hold it with a plastic bag of stuff across the living room. We also did a fake go pay and a go touch on the door. Showbo did everything immediately, making me proud, and making her a star.
Showbo once again was spoiled, receiving many, many more toys and treats. She should have enough things now to last her a lifetime.
Well, my friend from Pittsburg is here until Wednesday, and we dared to walk to the new shopping center. I think that during the walk, the shopping center kept moving farther and farther away from us. It was far, and extremely dangerous. Showbo and I will never do this walk again. Until later. Time to practice things with Showbo. Yesterday, I actually had Showbo carry her leash from our bedroom downstairs to the living room, which took an eternity, but she did it. I will write more later.