Last night, the kids were insane. From the time they got to the hotel room, to the time they got to bed, they were full of energy. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in the car for six hours. In the room, they were jumping off of the furniture, playing hide-and-seek, yelling, screaming, giggling, laughing, climbing on mom, climbing on me, bouncing off of each other. Non-stop.
Marie stayed at home when I took the kids to the Noisy Oyster, and they were fairly good while we were there. But then when we got back to the hotel, after 9PM, the kids wanted to go swimming. When we got to the pool, they – especially Carolena, were wired up again. I was nervous with Carolena, because the pool was not a kid’s pool. But she would go to the stairs, and come down two steps, and then jump to me and scream “I did it!” and then “again! again!” I think she jumped off of the step about 30 times, saying the same thing every time. She was giddy, excited, and loud. Very cute. Way too much energy for that time of night. Domino was pretty wired up, too. They each had a great time in the pool.