Today, my dad and I went and rented a canoe for the day. I originally wanted to do some crazy long canoe trip to some hidden falls, but then I was told that trip is often only done over one or two nights of camping. That’s too bad. I would have loved to do it. Just not really prepared to do anything like that.
We rented the canoe from Crazy Cove. The lady who we rented it from reminded me of the crazy lady from Misery. We only used it for a few hours, but we had a good time. We paddled up to where I knew the kids would be playing, and we took the kids, two at a time, out for a small trip. First, Dad and I took out Ileona and Michael, and then Dad and Marie too out Carolena and Domino. Then Dad and I paddled across the lake to the other side to eat the lunch that we packed. The weather was not that great. It was cloudy, a little rainy at times, and a decent breeze. Unfortunately, I ended up getting a little sunburned on the top of each knee, and a little on my arms. My knees feel uncomfortable.
This evening, there was an ice cream social, where they brought out an old hand-churned ice cream maker. We all took turns churning, and ate ice cream. It was good.
After, we went moose hunting again, but struck out again. We ran into another car at a scenic overlook (which was beautiful as the sun set), and spoke to them. They were locals, and gave some moose-finding advice. I’ll have to try again tomorrow. I think our problem is that we are starting out too late.