What Does “Partnership” Mean to You?

June 11th, 2012

Journal -Think about what partnership means to you. How would you define partnership? Share your ideas; don’t just copy a dictionary definition. What were the best part and the hardest parts of your day today?

It was a beautiful day today, too beautiful to sit inside the barn with our dogs, but we did get the chance to practice some basic obedience skills and learn some more commands. McLean and I both had the chance to move and exercise a little bit, and he did a great job! He is a totally different dog when the harness is being used on him than when he is a “free” dog. Without the harness, he can pull me more, seeing as he is almost my weight. JDespite this issue, I cannot wait to bring McLean home with me on Friday. only 4 more days!

Our journal entry must discuss the best and worst parts of our day, but my whole day was pretty good. I think the best part of the day came after I came home. Showbo was laying in her bed, as usual, unaware of our entrance into the house. The whole family called her, and she finally came downstairs to greet us, excitedly, with a tail wagging. She has never wagged her tail with excitement until she experienced retirement, at which time she became separated from human beings. Anyway, I told her “good boy” a few times tonight, and I even called her by the name McLean. What is wrong with me?

As I previously mentioned above about having a pretty good day, overall, there is definitely one thing that is very frustrating for me. The haltee! I do not like the haltee! McLean knows it takes me forever to situate it and attempt to secure it around his little nose, but he just waits for me to finish and snap the buckle. His ear and his long fur, or hair, continuously gets stuck in the haltee strap that goes around his neck, and it eventually slides off his little nose. Now, I must start the process all over again. Yea! Hopefully, I will master this task sometime before these three weeks are done.

Now, I will write my own definition of a partnership. A partnership is between two people, or a person and a dog, whereby both parties commit to the well-being of each other. They support each other, and one’s weaknesses are countered by the other’s strengths. A partnership is a give and take relationship if it is to remain a partnership. Otherwise, it may result in one of the two always being very unhappy and miserable. The giving and the taking must be equally balanced for an awesome partnership to begin, continue and go to the end! Just as in business partnerships, trust must exist, on both sides of the partnership.

That is all for now, but I imagine I will be back tomorrow night. Good night!

Guidelines for the Friends and Family of a Service Dog Recipient

June 11th, 2012

I posted the guidelines here. Please read them, as they are very important!

Goals and Fears of Team Training

June 10th, 2012

Journal: Focus on one personal goal you wish to accomplish in these three weeks plus one fear you have relating to team training (beyond just surviving the three weeks).

We, recipients, are to write a goal to accomplish a goal during these three weeks, as well as a fear. Actually, I have a few goals and many, many fears! Last night was the “initiation” dinner for team training, and my family and I sat with McLean the whole team. He was out of harness, which made it even harder for my two girls to restrain from interacting with them. They were there again today, and there were no problems.

I had so many mixed emotions about Showbo and McLean, and I still cry when I think of, or talk about, Showbo. I do not compare their personalities, but I continuously call McLean by Showbo’s name and refer to him as a girl. He does not let it bother him, and I think that is because I use a good tone of voice.

A goal of mine could be mentioned as really learning McLean, his body language and his likes/dislikes. This learning process may not end after these three weeks, but I hope our understanding of each other definitely increases, and McLean and I strengthen our relationship.

If I can only talk about one fear for team training, it would be related to the amount of time and dedication devoted to getting a successor dog. No children existed for me back in 2003, when I trained with Showbo, and I have more responsibilities now at home. My fatigue has also become more present within the last 9 years. Today was a long day, and there were a few boring moments. Showbo is retired now, but I still received all new equipment for just McLean. The coolest fact I learned was the ending of using the prong collar on our dogs, as it has become more and more frowned upon by society. So, my biggest fear is getting fatigued daily and being unable to perform to the best of my ability. McLean, please have patience with me!

I must say “good night” and go to bed. Tomorrow is the first real day of WORKING with our dogs, and I need sleep!

Sorry if this entry has scattered thoughts, but they may get worse as the days get longer. :)

Marie begins Team Training with McLean

June 10th, 2012
Marie, McLean and Domino

Marie, McLean and Domino

Last night, Marie began three weeks of team training with her new service dog, McLean, with a nice group dinner in the CPL training barn. McLean looks like a great dog. He’s a labradoodle, and weighs about 62 pounds, which is about 20 pounds more than Showbo. I’m told he’s “all hair”. Many of the trainers told us that McLean is a great dog, but I’m not sure if they tell all of the recipients that about their dog.

Marie was very emotional at the dinner, and wasn’t able to hold back her tears several times during the night. Domino did an excellent job of keeping a smile on Mom’s face by cracking jokes and saying funny things to her. I heard Marie tell somebody “it’s not the same as Showbo.”

After dinner, there was a meeting where people could ask their questions and get an idea of what is in store. Marie and McLean is the only successor team; everybody else is getting their first dog. They will have a lot of “field trips” to places like Exton Mall, Chili’s, a ride on the train into Philadelphia, and even attend a Blue Rock’s baseball game. Everybody has a lot to learn.

Team training is not going to be easy for Marie. CPL teaches independence, and is no-nonsense. She has full days of training, followed by homework most nights. She is required to write a journal every day starting tonight, which will be posted here. I’m looking forward to reading it, and I hope you are, too.

Showbo has Retired

June 2nd, 2012

Sunday, June 22nd, 2003, Marie began team training with her service dog, Showbo.

Did you know that Showbo was Canine Partners for Life’s:

  • first female standard poodle service dog?
  • first dog to complete the prison puppy program out of the Maryland Correctional Institute of Women?
  • first service dog to have a dual purpose of being both a service dog and a guide dog?

Showbo is nearly eleven-years old now. She has been by Marie’s side for nearly nine years. Over those nine years, Showbo has been all over the USA – from Maine to Florida, Nevada, Indiana, and even Hawaii. She has been to numerous Phillies games, and hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.

Showbo has been a huge help for Marie. Some of the things she helps Marie with are retrieval of items by name, including sock, diaper, bag, hanger, shoe, sneaker. She picks up anything Marie drops, and can even pick up a dime off the floor! Showbo assists Marie with the laundry by taking clothes out of the dryer, and pulling the laundry basket across the room.

Showbo’s assistance isn’t always perfect. Occasionally, she does something she wasn’t supposed to do. The one that tops them all is the time she attempted to push the automatic door button at Shippensburg University’s homecoming. Instead of hitting the button, she pulled the fire alarm! They had to evacuate the building. I’m not sure the fireman believed me when I said “the dog did it!”

Showbo’s assistance has really helped Dave out, too, especially with her guide work and memory. When at a restaurant, Dave only has to take Marie to the bathroom. He doesn’t need to wait for her – Showbo knows how to find her way back to the table. And, if (when) Marie needs to go again, Showbo knows how to take her there without Dave’s help.

Unfortunately, with Showbo now being nearly eleven-years old now, she’s showing signs of her age, and she’s beginning to have difficulty performing some of her responsibilities. With that in mind, we have decided that it’s time to retire Showbo. Don’t worry – she will remain a part of our family.

Today was Showbo’s retirement party. We had it at Rooney’s Dog Park in West Chester. About 30 people showed up to celebrate. I had the event catered by Rino’s Italian Restaurant in Exton. Their box lunch sandwiches came on croissants, and they were delicious!

During the party, Marie had us play some silly game. We divided up into four teams, and each team had to pass a ball put under their chin from one person to the next – no hands – and back. Many reluctantly participated, but I think everybody had fun doing it.

Marie then took Showbo out of harness for the last time. Marie was very emotional. I think Showbo’s retirement will be harder for Marie than Showbo. But when Domino took Showbo over to the dog park, Showbo ran a little, but spent more time looking around for Marie (who stayed at the dining tables instead of going into the dog park). I wonder how Showbo will take to retirement. I’m sure that the girls and I will need to give Showbo a lot of love to make her happy.

After some time at the dog park, we put up a piñata for the kids, who enjoyed pulling the strings and having the treats and toys fall out.

At the end, we gave each of the dogs who came some frozen doggie ice cream.

All in all, the weather was perfect a perfect 70 degrees with a cool breeze. The party went fairly smooth, and I think everybody had a good time.

Win a new iPad

May 31st, 2012

Enter to win a contest offered by Big Fish at The Centsible Life  for an iPad 3!  Enter to win here: http://bit.ly/TCLiPad3

End of the Road

April 28th, 2012

I have been dropped off, and my brother-in-law has picked me up. My missions trip is officially over. It was great. Everybody on the team brought different gifts and skills. It really was an amazing group of people, and I am honored to have been a part of the team. I am told that those on the trip will be sending me their pictures so I can make a slide show for our church, Marsh Creek Community Church. If there are some good pictures that I missed from the blog, I will be sure to add them. Thanks for following and supporting us on our trip. God bless.

Power Drivers

April 28th, 2012

We stopped for another gas fill, and Buck wants to keep driving. He went and bought some Five Hour Energy. I’ve never taken the stuff, and Buck hasn’t either. I guess we will see how it affects him. We are making incredible time, and according to the GPS, should be to Harrisburg by 7:45am. Looks like Joel and Buck are going to split the drive between the two of them. I’ve driven a couple of long stretches on vacations, but nothing like this. Never overnight. I’m very impressed – and thankful – for their alert driving!


April 28th, 2012

Joel drove us half way home. Buck took the wheel about an hour or two ago. We are making great progress. According to the GPS, we should hit Exton at 8:30am. That’s without stops for gas or breakfast. And again, I’m being dropped off in Harrisburg, which is about an hour before Exton.
I have finished watching all of the movies I loaded up on my iPad. On the way to Joplin, I watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Source Code, and Man on a Ledge. On the way back, I watched Super 8, and the new Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed all of the movies, although The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo had me a bit disturbed for a couple of days. Honestly, I love how movies can affect me emotionally, no matter what the emotion is.
We were hoping to hit another FoodTV show location for breakfast, but the GPS has us on Route 70, which is well south of Pittsburgh, which is where we would need to be. So, I’m not sure where we will be stopping for our next meal.

It Tastes Like Christmas

April 27th, 2012

We just stopped for dinner. When deciding where to eat, we decided to look for a place that was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Unfortunately, there were none near us. However, Buck found a place that was featured on The Best Thing I Ever Ate. The place is called the Blue Springs Diner, and oh my word, this place was amazing. The show featured their lemon meringue pie, and when you walk in, you see the pies – they are all about 8″ tall. They serve sides family style, but you choose your own entree. The sides that came out were biscuits with apple butter, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, pickled beets, and coleslaw. Everything was homemade, and out of this world. For my entree, I chose the chicken and dumplings. Others chosen were meatloaf, ham steak, popcorn shrimp, and fried walleye. Everybody’s food was amazing, and we all ended up trying each others meals. Delicious. And even though we were all full, we needed to get pie. I chose the chocolate cream. Others chose the lemon meringue, cherry, and coconut cream. Again, we all shared, and all were wonderful. I can’t remember eating so much food. All of us are stuffed beyond belief. If you ever drive though this area and don’t stop, you are making a huge mistake.
Oh, our waitress was the one who served the pie on the show. How cool!

